The community is currently polarised and disconnected, with very diverse needs. New developments are aiming to attract young professionals and families. Which meets with our vision for an innovative hub.
The community will want to be engaged in the project which should be supported.
The community is currently polarised and disconnected, with very diverse needs. New developments are aiming to attract young professionals and families. Which meets with our vision for an innovative hub.
The community will want to be engaged in the project which should be supported.
(gla AND nEWHAM)
The GLA own part of the site, and also have interests in fullfilling the community needs, meeting housing allocations and pollicy on affordable housing.
Developers will aim to develop more of the site or not retain historic buildings for viability reasons. They are profit driven and will therefore not necessarily want to provide facilities for the exisiting communitites.
Businesses will be keen to keep links to the airport and improve transport, with city airport aiming to continue to grow in scale. There could be a conflict between newer and existing local buisnesses, although these are few in number and not used much by the community. For example there is a lack of childcare at the Brittania Village.
The airport poses a significant threat to meeting our aim of bringing people to the water because of the exclusion zone. Noise will also prevent this. The community being against this makes central the issue of fatigue from previous consultation and their voice not being listened to. It also aims to continue to expand now flying even on sundays.
The community in feedback for the Royal Docks Delivery Team stated they want more blind tenure affordable housing and community facilites which could clash with existing visions of the site.
While the GLA and Newham own parts of the site they must meet with their own policy such as 50% affordable while fullfilling the needs of developers they are working with as well as the community. We feel that these issues can be solved with the needs of each stakeholder being met and meet our vision of creating an inclusive and innovative hub. The water is key to this as it is such an essential part of the docks history and its connections to the world and rest of the city giving an opportunity for a new maritime quarter. By innovating and creating a new place the the community can be provided for while delivering on economic growth.