Methods of Community Participation
Community participation and Governance
There is already a neighbourhood forum set up at the Royal Docks. Creating a Neighbourhood Plan whould give them 25% of all CIL money from local developments which will be no insignificant amount of money. Additionally it would give some people the opportunity to have even greater control than feedback on planning proposals and allow the community to vote over a plan.
Supporting the creation of an NDP will give the community a louder voice in shaping the future of the royal docks than is currnetly possible. The Development Team should become a partner of the Community forum and assist where possible with the creation of the plan.
Neighbourhood Plans are costly and time consuming to create and therefore may not be implemented before development starts on the millenium mills site. To aid in this the community voice should be consulted on plans specifically to ensure they meet with not yet implemented policy.
Additionally if possible funding should be given to the project if needed to pay for the creation of the plan, which is likely as the plan will likely have to stand up against large scale developments over the coming years.
Community Voice
As the community voice have already expressed their plan to create an NDP it is unlikely they would not attempt this, however as this process is long and costly assisting in this should be essential as it could lead to greater emphasis being put on community wishes such as in regard to affordable housing, with policy on a Community Land Trust.