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Methods of Community Participation

Community participation and Governance

Land Trust

Part of the requirements for the site development is the regeneration of the Millenium Mills. This will include setting up a community land trust such as Coin Street Community Builders. They will have a long term lease over part of the lower section of the building. Retail spaces will generate income which can be reinvested in community rooms like those at ...

Coin Street COmmunity Builders

In this instance a new community land trust will be set up in collaboration with the Royal Docks Community Voice.

The regeneration of the Millenium Mills building should be done by the GLA who can fund this with grants from the heritage lottery fund and also by selling of the parcels of land to the east and south of the site for apartments as detailed in the proposals section. 


While the upper sections of the building can then be sold of as individual flats the lower section can be retained by the CLT for affordable housing (it is easier to maintain if it is in one block), commercial space to generate income and also community spaces.



Funding for the CLT should come first from the CLT fund which has invested £4.4m since 2008. This initial investment will allow the CLT to become set up and create an opportunity for further investment from experienced lenders.


This funding can range from £20,000 to £400,000 for schemes that offer 50% affordable housing which we aim to meet.


Rent from the commercial units will have lower tax because of the EZ, and creating an income for the CLT in the long term to help pay for maintenance. 


Creating a new CLT has the benefit that all money will be invested locally whereas donating the site to an existing CLT such as Ethex wont result in all funding remaining on site. 


Mills and Silo D, with partial CLT owership


Site Boundary


Western Royal Docks Boundary



The CLT will take ownership of the lower part of the Mills building, and Silo D. Providing affordable housing, office space, a climbing centre, community rooms, start-up space and commerical space.


-Guaranteed long term affordability

-True affordability as prices reflect local incomes

-Community Wealth Building as money is re-invested

-Community empowerment with NDP

-Greater Community Control allows better reflection of needs.



Community space will be provided for existing groups such as the daycare that is lacking in Britannia village.

Giving spaces for exisiting groups will link new and existing communities and provide better services for all.  This space will be provided by, maintained and funded by the CLT. It will add to the creation of the inclusive hub. 



Spaces for start-ups not only provide an opportunity for new jobs specifically for local people. But creates another use for the Millenium Mills Building bringing people closer to the community spaces provided. 

By providing space for the existing Beckton and Royal Docks community centre, as well as rentable rooms for meeting income will be generated and the community will become more involved with the site. Providing this first creates a positive idea of the regeneration rather than trying to appease the community after development has been carried out.

Start-up spaces aim to create new jobs for local people, income for the CLT and give people another reason to go to the community hub in Millenium Mills. 

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